2 min

3 Side Hustles Ideas You Can Do From Home

Aug 25, 2022
in a nutshell
  • Consider your professional background to think of freelance services you can offer on sites like Fiverr and Upwork.
  • Share your expertise and create a class on sites like Outschool or Udemy to earn passive income every time someone takes the class.
  • Selling stuff you don’t want anymore on eBay, Mercari, or Poshmark can help you identify markets for secondhand items.
Image of You can do these three side hustles from home if you’re looking for additional income streams.
in a nutshell
  • Consider your professional background to think of freelance services you can offer on sites like Fiverr and Upwork.
  • Share your expertise and create a class on sites like Outschool or Udemy to earn passive income every time someone takes the class.
  • Selling stuff you don’t want anymore on eBay, Mercari, or Poshmark can help you identify markets for secondhand items.

If you enjoy working from home and you’re looking to build additional income streams, a work-from-home side hustle can make sense. And there are plenty of ways to do gig work right from your kitchen or couch.

Here are three side hustles you can do from home, according to people who make thousands per year doing them.

Offer your expertise on sites like Fiverr and Upwork

When Steven Leitch learned he and his fiance were having a baby, he knew he’d need to pick up some side work to support his growing family. Leitch had a strong background in human resources, so in 2019, he created a profile on Fiverr and started helping people build their LinkedIn profiles and perfect their resumes. Today, he’s taken his work-from-home side hustle full time and brings in between $4,000 and $5,000 per month.  

Steven Leitch. Courtesy Frame Five Media

If you’re considering this type of gig, Leitch recommends offering one or two services that are similar to each other. While he started his journey on Fiverr doing services ranging from transcription work to creating e-book art, “I realized I really wanted to get a strong brand image that was cohesive, so I tailored it down to two gigs: LinkedIn and resumes,” he previously told Grow. This helped him both build on his skill set and establish himself as an expert in his field.

Consider your professional background and see what kind of services you can offer on sites including Fiverr or Upwork.

Teach a class about something you know

When the pandemic hit, “MasterChef” finalist Cate Meade’s regular business activities were severely disrupted. She’d been shopping and cooking for multiple families per week, and with the lockdowns, she ended up losing some of her clients.

Chef Cate Meade. Courtesy Holland House

Throughout the pandemic, she pivoted her activities. For example, she offered to cook for her clients at her own home instead of at theirs. Another of the activities she picked up: virtual cooking classes.

“It was really fun,” she told Grow about her first class. “I did it in my own kitchen and set it up and we cooked a whole meal together.” She’s since done a handful of virtual cooking classes, charging $1,200-$1,500 for each.

If you have expertise in a given subject, consider offering your services on sites like Outschool or recording a class to upload on Udemy, where you can earn passive income every time someone takes the class.

Sell secondhand items online

As a freshman in high school, now-18-year-old Matthew Fiore was looking for a job when he realized he could try selling some of the duplicate LEGO pieces in his collection on eBay. “I’ve been building with LEGO ever since I was young,” he previously told Grow. “I never grew out of it.”

Fiore with some of his Lego. Courtesy Matthew Fiore

After making a few hundred dollars selling the pieces online, Fiore realized there was a market for that kind of product. He has since grossed more than $30,000 selling pieces from his own collection, other people’s collections, and ones he’s bought specifically to resell to fans. And it’s a gig he does right from his house.

If you have items you wouldn’t mind parting with, such as clothes you haven’t worn for years or an attic full of childhood toys, consider selling them on sites such as eBay, Mercari, or Poshmark. Once you’ve cleared out your own household, reach out to family and friends who might need help selling their old stuff, too.

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Gili Malinsky

Gili Malinsky was a lead reporter for Grow.

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