2 min

Is Acorns Worth It?

May 31, 2024
in a nutshell
  • With a single Acorns subscription, you can get access to 3 different accounts including individual investment accounts, IRAs and UGMA/UTMA accounts.
  • Acorns portfolios are designed by experts & selected for you based on your investor profile.
  • With Acorns you can invest spare change, choose to invest in socially responsible ETFs, earn bonus investments, and even invest for kids.
Image of Acorns is packed with financial wellness tools that make saving and investing easy based on the principle of long-term investing.
in a nutshell
  • With a single Acorns subscription, you can get access to 3 different accounts including individual investment accounts, IRAs and UGMA/UTMA accounts.
  • Acorns portfolios are designed by experts & selected for you based on your investor profile.
  • With Acorns you can invest spare change, choose to invest in socially responsible ETFs, earn bonus investments, and even invest for kids.

Acorns is an app packed with financial wellness tools that help make saving and investing easy. Our tools are built on basic principles of long-term investing, dollar cost averaging, and diversified portfolios. One of the things that make Acorns unique is that it encourages investing small amounts of money consistently over a long period of time in a diversified portfolio, rather than making big investments in single stocks or attempting to time the market.

Investing for all stages of life

Everyone’s financial situation is unique. And depending on factors like age, employment, kids, or income, it could be better — investing-wise — to set up different accounts for different financial priorities. 

For example, contributing money towards a retirement account can allow for potential tax benefits that may not be available when using non-qualified investment accounts.  

With a single Acorns subscription, you can get access to 3 different investment accounts including individual investment accounts, retirement accounts and UGMA/UTMA accounts.

Acorns Invest

An individual investment account that allows you to start investing for your goals, like a car or a home. You can even get started with just your spare change.

Acorns Early 

Open a UTMA/UGMA invest account for the kids in your life in under 5 minutes. Custodial assets in the Early account are for the use and benefit of the beneficiary who takes control of the account at the age of transfer.   

Acorns Later

Get an IRA plan recommended for you and your future goals, plus tap into potential tax advantages as you invest.

Giving your money a chance to grow

One reason why people choose to invest their money is to give it a chance to grow with the potential power of compound returns. It works like this: compounded returns is when the value of your investment grows based not only on the original principal but also based on the returns that the investment generated, often over a long period of time. Put simply, money doesn’t grow on trees, but with the power of time and potential investment returns, it can grow on itself. Try our compound interest calculator here to see for yourself! 

Past performance is no assurance of future results.  Acorns clients may not experience compound returns and investment results will vary based on market volatility and fluctuating prices.

Investing on autopilot 

One big barrier to investing is the act of actually doing it. Picking stocks, deciding when to sell, choosing how much to invest — all important decisions that often require time and informed decisions making that many people don't have the luxury of having.

Acorns portfolios are designed by experts and selected for you based on your investor profile.    All you need to do is choose how much you’d like to invest and let Acorns handle the rest. And you can create automated recurring investments and allocate funds towards each of your different investment accounts, or start investing in your Invest account with just your spare change.

More ways to use Acorns

Investing with Acorns means unlocking a full suite of investing tools that can help you reach towards your financial goals. Whether you’re looking to invest for your future or your family’s future, Acorns has you covered. 


An Acorns feature that automatically invests your spare change towards your Acorns Invest account. 

Acorns Checking 

Your smart checking account that can invest while you spend, and invest a piece of every paycheck automatically.  

Acorns Visa™ debit card 

Instantly invest your spare change when you make a purchase with your personalized, heavy metal, laser engraved Acorns Visa debit card. 

Acorns Earn 

Earn bonus investments by shopping with the Acorns Chrome/Safari extension — including ones you likely shop at anyway. 

Acorns ESG 

You can choose to invest in ETF portfolios rated for their impact on environment, social, and governance issues.

Acorns Learn 

Grow your financial confidence with videos, articles, and tips for investors both experienced and new.

How to Get Started with Acorns

Ready to grow your oak? You can sign up here and start investing in just a few minutes.

This material has been presented for informational and educational purposes only. The views expressed in the articles above are generalized and may not be appropriate for all investors. The information contained in this article should not be construed as, and may not be used in connection with, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or hold, an interest in any security or investment product. There is no guarantee that past performance will recur or result in a positive outcome. Carefully consider your financial situation, including investment objective, time horizon, risk tolerance, and fees prior to making any investment decisions. No level of diversification or asset allocation can ensure profits or guarantee against losses. Article contributors are not affiliated with Acorns Advisers, LLC. and do not provide investment advice to Acorns’ clients. Acorns is not engaged in rendering tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult a qualified professional for this type of service.

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